Spatial analysis of the level of exposure to seismic hazards of health facilities in Mexico City, Mexico
Moran-Rodriguez, S, Novelo-Casanova, DA
1 ene 2012
To determine the level of exposure of hospitals to seismic hazards in Mexico City, Mexico, we analysed their geographic location with respect to the seismic response of the different types of local soil to which these installations are located. Hospitals were converted from a database of names and locations into a geographical information system (GIS) map layer of resources. This resource layer was superimposed with other GIS layers of seismic microzonation of Mexico City to identify those hospitals that may be threatened by a local large earthquake. We found that about 50% of the main public and 40% of the private health facilities are highly exposed. Approximately 56% of public and 44% of the private reference hospitals are located in soils with high seismic wave amplification properties. In a disaster situation, the best areas to set up temporary medical facilities are in those districts in Mexico City for which main and secondary transportation routes were identified with low level
Novelo-Casanova, DA:
Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Dept Sismol, Inst Geofis, Mexico City 04510, DF, Mexico